If you or someone you know would like to hear more about Jesus and His church, we invite you to join us at an Inquiry Session.
Inquiry Sessions are opportunities to ask questions about God, Jesus, the Catholic Church, the Mass, Saints, Sacraments, prayer, etc. The sessions DO NOT expect or require a commitment to join the Catholic Church. They are informal conversations about any questions you may have. We welcome any and all inquiries about the Catholic Faith.
In addition, if you wish to be baptized into the Catholic Faith, or you are already baptized and wish to receive the other Sacraments of Initiation, or you come to us from another faith wishing to become a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church then we invite you to join RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). RCIA is the process which will lead you to Baptism (for those unbaptized), Eucharist, and Confirmation.
So if you have any questions about our church, or you already believe that God is calling you to join the church, we will gladly help. Let us walk together on a journey of faith.