The Parish Finance Council
“The administration of goods which every parish has to some extent, is an important area of evangelization and evangelical witness, both in the Church and in civil society, since “all the goods that we have, the Lord gives them to go to the world, to go to humanity, to help others.” (Pope Francis, Oct. 2013)…the Finance Council fulfills a role of particular importance in the grown, at the level of the parish community, of a culture of co-responsibility, of administrative transparency, and of service to the needs of the church.”– Vatican Instruction on the Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community, 7/20/20
The St. Joseph Finance Council consists of a mix of parishioners and lay leaders from other parishes. Meeting monthly, the council is developing a culture of frequent communication and consultation.
The Council’s key challenge for FY 2024-25 will be to continue to reduce the chronic $100,000 or so annual deficit that is eating away at savings; inaugurate and guide an anniversary capital campaign, and oversee maintenance and repair to aspects of the parish property.
A vibrant Finance Council is representative of the diversity of the parish community and represent the interests of all parishioners, in frequent conversation with the pastor about all fiscal matters, from routine operating expenses to major expenditures.
Some of the areas that a parish finance council may oversee include: the parish’s annual budget, standard operating expenses, bank accounts and investments, repair and maintenance projects, fundraising efforts, use of additional revenue from donations or bequests.
Parish financial information will be regularly posted on the site so parishioners can be updated on our stewardship. For historical Finance Statements, click on these links for Income Statements and Balance Sheets.
- DEC 2020 6-MONTH FY 2021
Our St. Joseph Provisional Finance Council currently consists of:
- Edgar Chaves
- Jessica J. Colletta
- Jorge Gonzalez
- J. Kerrigan, ex officio
- Catherine Solfaro, consultant
- Thomas Szallai
- Tony Gorka
The Parish Pastoral Council
“Far from being simply a bureaucratic organ, the Pastoral Council highlights and realizes the centrality of the People of God as the subject and active protagonist of the evangelizing mission, in virtue of the fact that every member of the faithful has received the gifts of the Spirit through Baptism and Confirmation.”– Vatican Instruction on the Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community, 7/20/20
At St. Joseph Parish, the Pastoral Council ought to be representative of all segments of the community. Members should be leaders who actively relate with fellow parishioners, staff, and the community at large to discern the parish’s current state and what adjustments might be called for in going forward.
“As far as possible, the Pastoral Council should consist for the most part of those who have effective responsibility in the pastoral life of the parish, or who are concretely engaged in it, in order to avoid the meetings becoming an exchange of abstract ideas that do not take into account the real life of the community, with its resources and problems” (Vatican Instruction, July 2020).
Current members (as of 2024):
- Gary Newton
- Gerald Yuknis
- Gladys Acevedo
- Gustavo Sandoval
- Irene Gyori
- Jacek Malik
- J. Kerrigan
- Kathy Champignon, convener
- Nolberto Lan
Pastoral Council notes will be posted soon after each meeting
Parish Trustees
St. Joseph Parish is a corporation, and, as such, requires trustees. The bishop, vicar general and pastor are automatic members. The following two parishioners are trustees through August 31, 2024:
- Joseph Williams
- Leon Borowski