How can we be like John the Baptist? There are aspects of his life that today would be repulsive and very eccentric: the whole eating locusts-and-honey thing, or wearing just ...
CHRISTMAS EVE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24: 2:00pm — simple, no-music Mass for the vulnerable, socially anxious and seniors (English, pastor presiding) 4:00pm — Mass with children assisting in manger blessing (English, ...
The fans of the singer Taylor Swift are known for their fanatical ability to wait for hours and hours and hours at the gates of stadiums before her concerts. Sometimes ...
After the Our Lady of Guadalupe festivities that begin with a novena and pretty much with Advent itself, continuing until about the midpoint of the shortened season, with Masses on ...
This year, St. Joseph has partnered with the Sunday Pantry at Bound Brook Presbyterian Church and Safe+Sound Somerset for our annual advent gift drive. The Sunday Pantry at BBPC provides ...
Our celebration in honor of our Lady of Guadalupe begins the evening of Saturday, December 9 and closes the evening of Tuesday, December 12. Join us at St. Joseph for ...
As we approach Advent the readings focus on our preparedness regarding the second coming of the Lord. The underlying question is, are we ready? What value have we added to ...
Too often we hear about religious folk, who, like the Pharisees in today’s Gospel, don’t practice what they preach, and are hypocrites. In Christianity, a great safeguard and solution to ...
As we approach the end of the church year, we still have a few special events to look forward to in the last few weeks of November. These include: Thursday, ...
St. Joseph Catholic Community will be preparing for the month of the deceased in November by selling vigil candles to be displayed on an “altar of the deceased” beginning with ...