Those interested in contemplative living are invited to consider joining our “Contemplative Eldering” retreat at Mepkin Abbey in Moncks Corner, SC shortly after Easter next year. The retreat starts at ...
We are taking advantage of a quirky gap in our liturgy schedule, while continuing to persevere in our solidarity with the people of Ukraine, as the lawless invasion and subsequent ...
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually in the United States from Sept. 15-Oct. 15, and here at St. Joseph we’ll have our own local version of a celebration on ...
On Friday, September 29, 10 members of the parish community will depart from the parish parking lot en route to a weekend silent retreat in the Cistercian tradition at Holy ...
“Get behind me Satan! You are an obstacle to me.” These harsh words of Jesus leap off the page in today’s Gospel and ring uncomfortably in our ears. It might ...
In the Gospel today Jesus wanted to know who people thought he was. They in general believed him to be a prophet. When he asked his disciples who they thought ...
This summer when you have come to church and you hear us proclaiming the Gospel, Jesus is telling parables and healing people and working with his disciples. Now, everything is ...
As the lawless and barbarian invasion of Ukraine continues, so too must our spirit of solidarity and our readiness to respond in prayer and Christian charity. The weekend of September ...
In the past several months, parishioners have seen the tremendous and dramatic upgrade of our parish grounds, with the addition of Isidoro’s Community Garden and the flourishing of the Sensory ...