The Gospel today is about the Transfiguration, an account of Jesus we have heard many times over the years. Peter, James and John were gifted with experiencing the glory of ...
Imagine that every time someone was sick, we also automatically assumed they were sick because they did something wrong. Now, unfortunately, there are some diseases where we do still make ...
Problem: Life is a drudgery, full of troubled nights, no happiness. Solution: The healing power of Jesus. Of course, I am oversimplifying the problem of the first reading from the ...
Lent begins Wednesday, Feb. 14 with the commemoration of Ash Wednesday. Parishioners are invited to participate more actively in their Christian practice during this season, and more frequent participation in ...
Registration is complete and sessions have begun for our third year of Family Faith Formation, our model of religious education of children (and adults) in St. Joseph Catholic Community. The ...
Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are time-tested Christian disciplines especially helpful to practice during the Lenten season. During Lent, two broad almsgiving opportunities are available to us, with global and local ...
We’re in the first days of Jesus’ ministry here in the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark, and even though Jesus has no formal authority in the Jewish religious ...
JOHN 1:35-42 All three readings line up today, which is unusual for Ordinary Time. And they line up around the idea of dwelling near God, creating a proximity with God. ...
Christmastime is my favorite time of year. People in general are far more likely to wish anyone well, even if they are a stranger. Don’t you wish it was like ...