When something is important to us we give it our full attention, it becomes part of what drives our every action and thought. What is so important to you, so ...
Here are the special activities scheduled for St. Joseph Catholic Community for August 2023: Friday, August 4: First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 7am-8:15am; special added confession hours in ...
This summer our St. Joseph Cemetery has received some nice maintenance care from our landscape contractors, as the photo below indicates. However, it has also received unwanted attention from those ...
In the past several months, parishioners have seen the tremendous and dramatic upgrade of our parish grounds, with the addition of Isidoro’s Community Garden and the flourishing of the Sensory ...
“If you pull up the weeds, you might uproot the wheat along with them. Let them grow together until harvest.” Words of wisdom from Jesus in today’s Gospel that go ...
As part of our preparation for Christmas and as a parish family, this year we will again have the annual Giving Tree, formerly known as the Jesse Tree. The gifts ...
Gracias por visitar el sitio web de la parroquia de San José. A continuación están los detalles para nuestra celebración en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe. Donaciones de Comida ...
St. Joseph’s Family Faith Formation program is now accepting registrations for new families during the summer months! Our Family Faith Formation program is a continuous 12-month model, no longer tied ...
1. CELEBRACIÓN DE LA EUCARISTÍA A partir del 11 de mayo, el Rito de Comunión ha sido restaurado a su lugar antes de la pandemia en las Misas diarias y ...
12 de marzo – tradicional 19 de marzo – San José 26 de marzo – pandemia 2 de abril (Viernes Santo) – Solidaridad Global (bilingüe) Las Estaciones de la ...