Lent, the annual season of Christian growth, begins on March 5 with the commemoration of Ash Wednesday.
At St. Joseph, we will offer four liturgies with the distribution of ashes that day: 7am, 8:30am and 12 noon in English; 7pm in Spanish.
In addition, Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowls will be available again this year for your Lenten stewardship.
Parishioners are encouraged to choose a spiritual book and to have it blessed at liturgies on the First Sunday of Lent.
Our patronal feast of St. Joseph will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 19, with a bilingual Mass at 7pm.
Also, Bound Brook clergy leaders will hold a prayer service at St. Joseph on Monday, March 24 at 7pm to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the assassination of St. Oscar Romero in San Salvador.