Anniversary Capital Campaign About to Kick Off

As we approach our 150th anniversary as a parish in 2026, we want to do so as a sound and solid community in Christ.

Foremost is the vigor and health of our worship, spirituality, faith formation and pastoral care. Thanks to the engagement, generosity and dedication of parishioners and staff alike, we are strong in these areas.

Also important is the condition of our physical plant and finances.  Although we are blessed in many ways, some areas of our campus are showing their age and deterioration, most notably the parking lot and the church roof.  (We have actually asked the bishop for permission to begin work on the parking lot ASAP). Also on the horizon for needed maintenance and/or repairs are the HVAC system and the sound system, as well as the probability of unanticipated expenses.

Now is the time to consider prayerfully making a gift to our Anniversary Capital Campaign.  When you make your gift – no matter the amount – remember all the good that your support enables as we seek to fulfill our mission as a Catholic presence in the heart of Bound Brook.

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