Season of Creation 2023

In the past several months, parishioners have seen the tremendous and dramatic upgrade of our parish grounds, with the addition of Isidoro’s Community Garden and the flourishing of the Sensory Garden being most prominent.

We do this not for aesthetic or practical reasons, but as a response in faith and justice, called as we are to care for our common home.

For more than 30 years now, the mainline Christian community, including Catholics, has also observed Sept. 1 as a Day of Prayer for Creation.  And Catholics have participated more recently in the span from Sept. 1-Oct. 4 as the «Season of Creation,» a time of prayer and action in concern for our care of the planet.

For the fourth consecutive year, St. Joseph Catholic Community will mark the Season of Creation with several public activities.

Here’s our full schedule:

Friday, Sept. 1: Day of Prayer for Creation, beginning with 7am Adoration, 8:30am Eucharist (indoors), 12pm themed Midday Prayer Service from Season of Creation (outdoors) followed by light fare for lunch.

Sunday, Sept. 3 at 10am (English): Regular 1st Sunday Outdoor Contemplative Eucharist

Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4 at 9am: bilingual outdoor Mass with food and fellowship

Tuesdays through Fridays Sept. 5-Oct.3: evening Contemplative Practice outdoors, weather permitting (otherwise in church, as usual).

Saturday, Sept. 9: Mass at 7am followed by parish work day on the church grounds (NO 8am Mass this day).

Monday, Sept. 18 at 6:30pm: brief outdoor parish «harvest reception» followed by 7pm bilingual presentation in the church on «Ecology and the Eucharist» and ending with Night Prayer

Friday, Sept. 22 at 7pm: bilingual Healing Mass with special prayers for the Healing of Creation.

Sunday, Sept. 24 at 1pm (time approximate): parish Hispanic Heritage Festival (outdoors)

Friday, Sept. 29-Sunday, Oct. 1: Parishioner Retreat to Holy Cross Abbey, Berryville, VA to experience the prayer, daily rhythm and closeness to creation of Cistercian spirituality.  About a dozen parishioners, a different mix each time, go to Berryville twice a year now.

(NOTE: No Contemplative Eucharist for October 1)

Wednesday, October 4 at 7pm at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish,  500 U.S. Route 22, Bridgewater:  Our pastor speaks at a special «Green Team» parish event, titled «Eco-Spirituality: Awakening to the Sacredness of the Earth» in the St.Bernard church. Evening concludes with Night Prayer.

Sunday, October 8 at 5pm: Bilingual Outdoor Mass with Blessing of Animals and Creation,

Also TBD, depending on installation date: unveiling and blessing of garden mural in honor of Isidoro Garcia and St. Isidore (preliminary concept below, courtesy of parish artist Pavol Olsavsky III, owner of Olart Design):

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